2014: Year in Review
By Christine Petralia

Created by Christine Petralia

R.O.C. New York Course Map

Aladdin on Broadway
December 31, 2014
This year went by incredibly fast. Faster than I ever thought. It started out really rough, snowstorms, breakups and more. But I kept myself busy, and am in a really good place right now in my life. I took back my life in 2014. It was all about me. I traveled alone for the first time ever. And it wasn’t as scary as it sounds! It felt liberating that the only person I had to answer to was myself. Do I want a fruity drink at 10 a.m. on the beach? Yes, please.
And despite the ups and downs of the year, I actually managed to get a lot done on my 2014 resolutions that I made for myself last year at this time. I’m actually surprised at how much I accomplished. And I am so overwhelmed with planning the upcoming year. I want to do so much!
As I said, the year started out pretty miserably. On Jan. 2, I was forced to stay at the first hotel of the year for a snowstorm at work. That should have been a premonition of how the rest of the winter would turn out, as a few weeks later, my relationship of almost four years ended. I won’t lie when I say it was pretty rough to get through the next few months. But I am proud to say I came out on top, and I’m a stronger person for it. I had an amazing summer and took some fun trips. I traveled across the country for some sibling bonding. I went to Vegas and partied all day and night (OK, well, one night), with some new friends. I watched two great new friends tie knot and welcomed into the world new babies. I started writing for a great new website, thanks to a college buddy, which is opening up a lot of doors for me. And in doing me, I also opened my heart up to love again, and I’m oh so glad I did, as I haven’t been this happy in a really long time.
So, cheers to 2014! What started out crappy ended up being an amazing year, complete with love, life and happiness. I can only hope that 2015 is even more amazing.
And without further ado – here are my 2014 resolutions and if I accomplished them, the year’s highlights, and then my 2015 resolutions!
2014 Resolutions:
-Learn to let things go. – DONE.
-Keep my friendships strong. – DONE.
-See Jimmy’s new show!!!!!! (or work for him)! – NO – AND THIS MAY LEAD TO AN UGLY 2015!
-Work hard at fixing things and stop being passive-aggressive. – DONE.
-Start writing my Penny blog again! I miss her! – DONE AND DONE.
-Try to find an inexpensive Zumba class. I miss it! – CHANGED GYMS, WENT BACK TO ZUMBA!
-Travel to Seattle (I’m coming Mike!) – DONE.
-Finally plan and book that trip to Europe (or Iceland or Hawaii or New Zealand). – DOES PUERTO RICO COUNT?
-Read more (I put this back on from 2012). – DONE.
-Redesign my website. – GOTTA PUT THIS BACK ON.
-Lose weight – and keep it off. – I LOST IT, BUT THEN PUT IT BACK ON. GRRRR.
-Get a new look (ie. Start wearing more dresses, more heels and doing my hair fancy on a daily basis). Basically, be a lady. – I GOT TWO NEW PAIRS OF GLASSES AND HAD A NO PANTS SUMMER. I’D SAY DONE!
-Be a master at PhotoShop; learn to video edit. – PUTTING THIS BACK ON.
-Take a class (writing, cooking, photography, something!!). – PUTTING THIS BACK ON.
2014 High (and Low) lights:
-Snowstorms, motels and more snowstorms.
-Was heartbroken.
-Went skiing for the first time in a very long time and didn’t hate it. Didn’t love it either. Also rode a ski lift for the first time and didn’t fall off!
-Lily Elizabeth was born!
-Bought new furniture on a whim – won’t do that again!
-Brought Penny back with a vengeance and even created a Facebook page for her!
-Went to some Mets games with friends and family and had a blast.
-Traveled to Puerto Rico by myself for a long weekend.
-Saw Aladdin on Broadway.
-Avery was born!
-Made new friends at a bachelorette party in Connecticut.
-Traveled to Seattle to visit the little brother.
-Got another tattoo with Liz.
-Had an amazing 33rd birthday despite not wanting to celebrate.
-Lost a very special woman way too soon.
-Learned that I can, in fact, day drink for several days in a row in Vegas.
-Celebrated the weddings of two-coworkers.
-Fell in love again.
-Abby was born!
-Visited my favorite family in Virginia and bonded with my buddy Logan.
-Already attended several Islanders games with many more on the horizon – at least for this season.
-Ran (well half-ran) at 5K Wipeout Style Race and LOVED IT!
2015 Resolutions (in no particular order):
-See Jimmy’s new show (this will be done in 2015 dammit)!
-Re-design my website.
-Explore more things with Penny Redstar.
-Take a class.
-Travel to wherever my brother is (hopefully a new city)!
-Get back into the gym, for real, no excuses.
-Run another 5K race.
-Learn more Photoshop.
-Just live life day by day with no expectations other than enjoy every second of it.
I know I got a little sentimental, but it was a very good year. Bring 2015, I’m ready!
Great for all ages and fitness levels, this Ridiculous Obstacle Course is a 5K with 12 Wipe Out-style obstacles. The race came to New York, in Brooklyn, on Sept. 13.
It’s the Disney classic with more songs. OK, it’s actually pretty different, with different song lyrics and even different characters. But it’s still pretty amazing, with a great set and sparkly costumes. And the flying carpet really is the best part. Seen April 12, 2014 at 2 p.m.