2022: Year in Review
By Christine McGrath

Jan. 1, 2023
It’s always important to look forward to things. While we all live in a world where we shouldn’t take any moment for granted, and we should seize the day, I do believe we should plan fun things in the future. (Not too far in the future though!) And this is why in 2022, it was the year of traveling!
That wasn’t what we had set out to do in 2022, it just so happened to end up that way. And there were certainly moments where we seized the day and did spontaneous things (did I hear NKOTB in Boston anyone?). But with the planning that I love to do, there was always something to look forward to throughout the whole year – literally – from concerts to trips, nothing was off the table for us this year.
The year started off on the right foot – or should I say the right stuff – when the New Kids on the Block posted a photo of me in my pajama pants on their Instagram page!! And thus, Pajama Girl was born. In March, I actually got to virtually meet them through an interview at work – which was amazing!
We finished up our 10-game Islanders season ticket plan in the early months, and on a whim, we decided to get the full season ticket plan for the 2022-2023 50th anniversary season! Also in the early months of 2022, David started driver’s ed – they were finally back in the car!
In May, Ashley finished up her first year at Cortland, while Dave and I took the first trip of 2022 to Nashville. It was the first time for both of us – and it was such a quick flight from MacArthur Airport. I highly recommend to anyone who hasn’t been there. Of course, we did the touristy things like taking photos at the angel wings and visiting the Ryman Auditorium, but with recommendations from a bunch of friends, we ate some great food and listened to some great live music.
June started my great concert summer – where I was literally seeing a concert a week. Liz and I also took our (now annual) spa trip to New Jersey, where we spent the day walking around, relaxing and going to bed early after some smores. The week after that trip was the Paul McCartney concert at MetLife Stadium – and despite the awful time we had getting out of that parking lot and driving home, it was a great night. The following week was the Jack Johnson concert at Jones Beach. The rain held off that night, which made for a great show with the kids. And the week after that (I told you it was three weeks in a row), was the long-awaited New Kids on the Block concert at UBS Arena – and as usual – they did NOT disappoint. I wore my pajama pants – obviously.
In July, St. John’s University featured me on their alumni website. That was fun – but very different to be the one being interviewed! At some point in July, I decided I wanted to see the New Kids on the Block again. I looked at the remaining dates – and the one in DC just wasn’t going to work out, as we were leaving for New Hampshire and Maine the next day. So, on a Friday night, I started texting all my friends to see if they wanted to trek up to Boston to see the boys in their hometown the next night. That morning, two of my Zumba buddies were on board – and we were on the 3 p.m. ferry that afternoon. We got to TD Garden Arena with about 20 minutes to spare – but long enough to get a tank top and a few adult beverages! It was just as amazing – and perhaps even better – than the New York show. We stayed the night at Foxwoods so we didn’t have to drive the long way home after the show. But we were back on the Island less than 24 hours later. Such a fun and fantastic spur of the moment event – and I hope to do more of these in 2023!
The following week, Dave and I head up to New Hampshire and Maine. Portsmouth is such a cute little town – and explored every inch of it before heading up to Bucksport and spending the week at the cabin – just canoeing, relaxing and eating ice cream every night.
Second week of August, we saw Jimmy Buffett at Jones Beach. The weather was beautiful, and it was fun to finally experience Margaritaville in person after all these years covering it at work. The show didn’t disappoint either. The rest of August we spent test driving new cars for myself – as it was time to pass Tatum over to the kids. After a lot of headaches – and a few tears – I finally got an amazing car – a Toyota Rav4 named Thor. He’s just awesome. And as much as I’d like to try him out in the snow – I wouldn’t be disappointed if he never sees the white stuff.
In September, Dave went to Florida for a long weekend with his buddy. And a week later, we were in Los Angeles sailing down to Mexico! The cruise was amazing, and we had so much fun. From swimming in the Pacific in Cabo, to walking around Puerto Vallarta and zip-lining in Mazatlán – it was a trip we’ll never forget. Of course, it didn’t hurt we were with good company the whole time. And then to top it off, we spent 36 hours our favorite places in Los Angeles – Venice Beach and more.
Unfortunately, as soon as we got back, we had to say good-bye to grandma. Her health had been declining before we left, but she waited until we got back so we could say good-bye with the family. I miss her a lot, but I know she’s watching me every day.
The next few months after that went by quick. From all of the Islanders games and our Halloween party, to the kids’ birthdays and the holidays. And just like that, another year is over.
Overall, I have to say 2022 was a great year. I know that we lost grandma, but she wouldn’t want us to miss out on all of the amazing things we’ve done. And she certainly wouldn’t want us to miss out on all of the fun things we have planned for the future.
So what does 2023 hold of us this year? I’m not quite sure yet. I do have a few concerts lined up (of course). And there’s been talk of a possible Caribbean trip and going back to Disney. But whatever 2023 has in store of us – I know we’re ready to embrace it and make some great memories.
2022 Resolutions:
-Lose about 5 more pounds – I honestly have no idea – it fluctuated the whole year, and I’m not mad about it.
-Focus more on my creative writing – this has to go back on the list!!!
-Update my website - NOPE
-Do a project on the house – we got the back door replaced
-Travel more – as long as the world cooperates - DONE
-Rethink my priorities – this happens every day.
2022 Highlights:
-Getting on the NKOTB IG page
-‘Meeting’ NKOTB
-All the summer concerts
-The impromptu trip to Boston for NKOTB
-New Hampshire/Maine
-Cruise – zip-lining
-Halloween party – we had great costumes this year
-Getting Thor
2023 Resolutions:
-Update my website
-Start up my creative writing again
-Bake more
-Continue to keep the weight off
-Focus more on the positive things
-Plan little trips to make big memories
What are some of your resolutions?