2021: Year in Review
By Christine McGrath

Courtesy of Getty Images

Jan. 1, 2022
I know one this is for sure. I did zero creative writing in 2021 – as I had wanted. But that is OK! I did other things and life got in the way, which meant that the world was slowly, but surely, getting back to normal after being locked down in 2020 and unable to do basically anything.
Going into the year I turned 40, I did vow to do something new every month – whether big or small. And in my mind, I did accomplish that. From that ER visit to the boudoir photo shoot, I definitely stepped out of my comfort zone in 2021, but in stepping out of that comfort zone, I think I found more confidence as I head into my 40s. But I am getting at least six months ahead of myself! This is a year in review after all.
January 2021 saw a nice promotion at work! I became the first female executive producer in the digital department! The 17 years of hard work and determination was finally recognized. But with that promotion came a lot more work, as no one was hired in my old position, so it’s been a balancing act ever since!
As we headed into February and March, we were lucky to attend, though separate due to restrictions, Ashley’s final dance competitions as she was in her senior year. March also saw some new friendships blossom. And in April, three of us got our vaccines, a great sign that things were really looking up. We celebrated Dave’s 45th birthday and Liz’s 40th! By May and June our calendar was full with David’s baseball games, Ashley’s senior things and graduation. With all of June pretty much booked up with kids’ events and weddings, and my 40th falling on Father’s Day – the celebration continued into July.
But before I could turn 40 without any major injuries, God had other plans! During one of those baseball games, I was hit in the face with a foul ball! I was so very, very lucky as after my first ambulance ride, CAT scan and a few hours in the ER, I was sent home with just three stitches inside my upper lip! Hey, I did say I wanted to do something new every month! I didn’t say what that could be!
Heading into July, Dave and I planned my 40th birthday party – with an Aladdin theme. And since it was a beautiful day in July, we were actually able to have a real party outdoors without worry about social distancing or masks! The end of July, beginning of August, we finally took that Disney trip. And while it wasn’t exactly the Disney we remember, and we had to wear masks, we made the most of it and had a great time. Even when our flight got canceled on the way home and we needed to stay an extra night!
Some time in August we made the decision to purchase a 10-pack season ticket plan for the Islanders upcoming season. So, at the end of the month, we took a tour of the new UBS Arena, which was still under construction at the time. Also, at the end of the month, we moved Ashley in to the dorms at SUNY Cortland for her freshman year. September was filled with golf practice and games for David. And toward the end of September, Liz and I finally took our 40th birthday trip. And while it wasn’t to an island or Vegas, it was still a blast up in Connecticut at a spa. In October, we headed up to Cortland again to visit Ashley for parents weekend. And then we threw another successful Halloween party. I was nominated for another Emmy, but lost at the end of October during the virtual award ceremony.
I headed back to the office in November after being at home for over 18 months. It was short lived though, as the COVID cases started ticking up after Thanksgiving. By the week before Christmas, we were all back working from home again. Right before things started to get bad again – including mask mandates and things getting postponed – we were able to celebrate David’s 16th birthday! We rented a club suite at the new arena and took him and four of his friends to see an Islanders game. The package included an amazing spread of food and beverages. And to top it off, the Islanders won their first game at the UBS Arena that night! An amazing game and night.
I know that in 2021, I worked hard on myself again. Dave and I continued to lose weight, and I met my goal of losing 45 pounds on Christmas morning. As we head into the new year, the world seems to be taking a step backward with restrictions going back into place. So, we really have no idea what 2022 has to bring. I do know that we have some plans in place – Islanders games and concerts. But if the last two years taught us anything, it’s to just live each day and enjoy that time with friends and family. If you do want to plan long-term, be flexible as plans can change in a moment’s notice. Sure, it’d be great to plan that Ireland trip – or that Vegas or island trip – but the reality is, we have no idea what the world will be like in a few months, let alone next week or even tomorrow. So those resolutions are going to be very realistic again for 2022.
And now, of course, it’s resolution time. As usual, first are my 2021 resolutions and if I actually accomplished them, and then some 2021 highlights. After, are my 2022 resolutions, in no particular order.
2021 Resolutions:
-Finish losing the last 10 pounds I wanted to lose in 2020 – DONE (and a little more)
-Work on my novel – NO (but I do have about a page or two started)
-Update my website completely – KIND OF
-Do one new thing a month - YES
-Start my baking business – I started an IG page….NO
2021 Highlights:
-Got promoted to EP
-Nominated for an Emmy
-Visited DisneyWorld
-Ashley’s graduation/first semester of Cortland
-Finally reaching my goal weight
-Embraced turning 40
-David’s 16th birthday party
2022 Resolutions:
-Lose about 5 more pounds
-Focus more on my creative writing
-Update my website
-Do a project on the house
-Travel more – as long as the world cooperates
-Rethink my priorities
What are some of your resolutions?