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2019: Year in Review

By Christine Petralia


Created by Christine Petralia


Me & Danny Wood from NKOTB


Halloween 2019


Dave & Me in St. Lucia

January 2, 2020

This year legitimately flew by. I can’t believe a decade has come and gone!


The first half of the year was filled with competitions – both kickline and dance. Started January with a Rangers-Islanders game with some new friends, while Dave and David saw Monster Jam again at the Coliseum. In February, we headed up to Mohegan Sun for a weekend, where we drank $2 beers. And the four of us saw Frozen on Broadway.


March saw me taking care of my dad after he broke his hip, but he bounced back quickly, as expected! Ashley was also inducted into both the National Honor Society and the National French Honor Society. In May, it was dad’s turn to take care of me when I got my wisdom tooth pulled.


I was backstage again at BLI Summer Jam 2019 in June. This month was filled with concerts too. Dave and I saw Dead & Company again at Citi Field, and then the next day I went down to Virginia to see Debbie. We then took on DC to see the New Kids on the Block, where we both got photos with Danny Wood! Those floor seats were so worth it! And within five days, I went to see NKOTB again at the Coliseum. The end of July we headed up to Maine again, where we visited Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor. The end of August we were back in Hershey for another concert – the Jonas Brothers! Floor seats again, and we had a blast.


September Jack gave us a scare with an allergic reaction. He’s much better now though! Mom and I headed to Mohegan Sun again in October to see 98 Degrees. That was an interesting show to say the least. In October, I also started my tour of the different News 12 regions – starting with the Bronx. We also had our fourth annual Halloween party – where our costumes of Raggedy Ann and Andy were a hit. I headed up to Connecticut in November, and then we celebrated Ashley’s Sweet 16 at the Mediterranean Manor.


Dave and I headed down to St. Lucia in December for a beautiful, relaxing vacation before the hectic-ness of the holidays hit. My first Sandals experience, and Dave’s first Caribbean island. We had a great times snorkeling and taking a mud bath!


Throw in some 40th birthdays and some babies – not me in either case – and that pretty much sums up 2019 for me. I see a 2020 trip to Disney – which we’re hoping to plan soon.


And now, of course, it’s resolution time. As usual, first are my 2019 resolutions and if I actually accomplished them, and then some 2019 highlights. After, are my 2020 resolutions, in no particular order.


2019 Resolutions:

-Lose weight. – I lost it and then I gained it.

-Take down the trees in the backyard. - DONE

-Read more. – I read a few books.

-Write more – either Penny or my website – something creative. – NOPE.

-Cook at least one new dish a month. – I think I did this – I baked new things this year.

-Stop being so angry. – NOPE.

-Stop taking things so personal. – NOPE.


2019 Highlights:
-Seeing Frozen.
-Two Mohegan Sun trips.
-Seeing NKOTB – twice.
-Meeting Danny Wood and taking on DC with Debbie.
-Visiting Acadia National Park.
-Seeing the Jonas Brothers.
-Vacationing in St. Lucia.


2020 Resolutions:
-Get serious about getting in shape.
-Make time for my friendships.
-Update my website.
-Do one house project.
-Learn to let things go.


What are some of your resolutions?

See the highlights and my resolutions for 2018.

Check out my rants in this 10th installment of the Festivus celebration.

All works created by Christine McGrath; Centereach, New York  All Rights Reserved 2024

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