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Episode 11: Split Milk

By Christine Petralia

Images courtesy of FX Networks

January 12, 2013

Episode 11: Split Milk (Aired Jan. 9, 2013)


*Spoiler Alert*


The series is beginning to tie up some loose ends, as the season wraps up in two weeks. What’s weird is I don’t recall them even mentioning Sister Mary or Dr. Arden, though it’s clear the episode picks up where it left off last week.

This episode began with a disturbing scene between current (or who we believe to be current) Bloody Face/Dr. Thredson’s son hiring a hooker so he can drink her breast milk, straight from the breast. Quite a racy scene in a weird way. We then head back to Briarcliff where Mother Superior helps Lana escape. She also gives Lana her file from the asylum, which documents every horrible thing that was done to her. In addition to the file, Lana retrieves the recording of Dr. Thredson’s confession, which she hid from him.

On her way out, she is almost stopped by Dr. Thredson, but Kit distracts him long enough so she can make it to the cab, where he runs out and sees her drive away. She, of course, heads straight to the police and then, surprisingly (or not surprisingly) to Thredson’s. She informs him the police are on their way. She holds a gun on him, and interrogates him about what he did to her lover. And in an awesome editing scene, we cut back and forth to Thredson and Lana and current day Bloody Face and his mommy issues with the hooker. We learn that current Bloody Face is living in his father’s home. He goes on and on about how his mother never loved him and eventually attacks the hooker. While, in the past, just as the police arrive and Thredson starts to reach for his gun, Lana blows his brains out.

Lana heads to a doctor to take care of her child, but in the end, can’t do it. Fast forward a few months, and Lana is at the police station again, asking for help to get Jude out. After some reluctance, the police issue a search warrant and head to Briarcliff, which even after the fallout from Lana’s expose, is still up and running. It’s there at the monsignor informs the police, and Lana, that Jude is dead.

Meanwhile, during this time, the state takes away the baby from Kit and Grace, who just want to raise the child together. After Thredson is exposed and killed, Kit is released. He convinces the monsignor to release Grace, afterall, she was declared legally dead by Dr. Arden, and get his baby back. The three head back to his home, where, even after Grace told him he saw Alma dead in the alien world, Alma is, with a child.

And the episode ends with the birth of Thredson and Lana’s child. Even though she informed the nurses she didn’t want to see the child, the nurse can’t seem to quiet him and Lana agrees to breast feed him. We also learn that Jude, after she threatened the monsignor and taunted him, is not dead, but rather in a real solitary confinement.

Next week’s previews didn’t really reveal anything, as I always found those confusing. But I really can’t wait to find out how current day Bloody Face came to be and what exactly Lana did, or didn’t do, to make him have the mommy issues he has. Was it just because she abandoned him? Was he a child just stuck in the system and neglected? And what is going to happen to Briarcliff? Clearly the expose did nothing to hurt its image, as the monsignor seemed to have a handle on the place. And as I mentioned in the beginning, the only mention of Dr. Arden was when Kit said Grace’s death certificate had his signature on it. And where the hell did the devil go? When it came out of that kid, it went into Sister Mary, but where did it go when she died? Did it die with her?

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